May 20, 2013


Got to do a portrait of Lenin for the Wall Street Journal last week.

I love doing conceptual historical portraits, it was a dream job for me.

The article talked alot about Lenin's infamous micromanaging during the a sealed train ride from Switzerland to Russia in 1917, so I had to include the train angle.

I was glad my AD of AD's Keith Webb went with the more general graphic portrait...
But it still needed some work, here's a bit of the finessing....

May 13, 2013

Spin Doctors

 "Spin Doctors"  for M le magazine du Monde, Paris.
Art directed by Federica Rossi.

I don't think I had worked for a french client before, so that was exciting.
Luckily her english was great.

They wanted a secondary smaller illustration as well.

The spread, too bad I can't read french.

And in print I got in the mail.
Merci Federica!